Tecmo Super Bowl Redux v4.0


New Version 4.0 updated 11/17/2022!

Some consider the 1990 NFL season as one of, if not the best, NFL season in history. Around the same time Tecmo was starting to work on blowing us away with the all time NES classic Tecmo Super Bowl. I grew up in this era and my NFL fandom was at my peak around this time. For years I have been working on a side project of mine, Tecmo Super Bowl Redux. I wanted to make a more accurate simulation of the 1990 NFL season instead of the 1991 season with 1990 and 1991 players we got. This is the 3rd edition I have released and hope people enjoy this variation of the game. There have also been so many hacks that have been discovered since I first took this project on back in 2004 that it inspired me to revive this project. Thousands of hours have gone into testing how the game simulates in both SKP and COM vs COM seasons. Some of the features of this game includes:

  • Updated player ratings
  • Rosters updated for the 1990 season – Players like Eric Dickerson, Michael Dean Perry and Brent Williams are now included
  • Updated playbooks – No more reverses! (New plays added to v4.0!)
  • Schedule is in chronological order just like the actual 1990 NFL season
  • Team uniforms edited – All teams have a dark and light uniform. Team matchups have been edited so they use the correct uniforms like the games played in 1990 (Divisonal games are the only games where uniforms won’t always be accurate
  • Numerous color edits
  • New to v4.0 – 4-3 defense version now available!

The game has three versions available: Base (No hacks), Vanilla & Hardtype. Here’s a list of the hacks included in each version:

Hacks included in Vanilla version:

  1. Disable Alt 3 Uniforms (shared by @bruddog)
  2. Main Menu Background Color Change XX’s (shared by @gojiphen malor)
  3. Schedule Background Color Change XX (shared by @gojiphen malor)
  4. More NFL like QB rating value (shared by @bruddog)
  5. Player 2 Conditions Fix (shared by @jstout)
  6. Prevent schedule from being random (shared by @bruddog)
  7. QB backpedal animation hack (shared by @bruddog)
  8. Randomize sound loop used for each play (shared by @bruddog)
  9. FG avoid kick block fix (shared by @bruddog)
  10. Increase CPU kickoff length (shared by @Yak)
  11. Better COM punt timing (shared by @bruddog)
  12. Changing KR Speed (shared by @Knobbe)
  13. PR speed change from SS to actual PR player (shared by @Tecmonster)
  14. TE sim fix (shared by @Martin)
  15. Change offensive SIM to ‘out of 32’ sum (shared by @Martin)
  16. QB/PR ball control (shared by @jstout)
  17. COM Goes For FG w/:20 Left in Half/End of Game (shared by @TheRaja)
  18. Add stats after quarters (shared by @bruddog)
  19. PA/PC hack – PC is INT and PA is target (shared by @buck)
  20. QB throws ball instead of taking sack and runs less
  21. COM Dive Tackling like SNES TSB I  (shared by @xplozv)
  22. Kickoff Wedge Return (shared by @xplozv)
  23. Changing the differential for popcorning/ dl busting through (shared by @bruddog)
  24. Better INT returns (shared by @bruddog)
  25. Diving time based on HP (shared by @bruddog)
  26. Buck’s TSB COM Juice Setter (shared by @buck)
  27. Find open receiver (shared by @jstout)
  28. Push/Pull Hack (shared by @BAD_AL, written by @bruddog)

Hacks included with Hardype

  1. Buck’s TSB COM Juice Setter (Week 4 Juice – Max 02 DEF.SPEED) (shared by @buck)

Take a sec to download this game and fire it up! Enjoy Tecmo fans and thank you to everyone who has helped in making this game one of the most edited cult classics ever!

TSB-Redux-4.0-BASE.nes (791 downloads ) TSB-Redux-4.0-4-3-Defense-BASE.nes (713 downloads ) TSB-Redux-4.0-VANILLA.nes (744 downloads ) TSB-Redux-4.0-4-3-Defense-VANILLA.nes (806 downloads ) TSB-Redux-4.0-HARDTYPE.nes (762 downloads ) TSB-Redux-4.0-4-3-Defense-HARDTYPE.nes (781 downloads )

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