SBlueman’s Tecmo Super Bowl 2017

SBlueman's Tecmo Super Bowl 2017

Download and enjoy my first official release since 2006!  Feel free to edit this game if you want, I intentionally went out of my way to make sure all the hacks that were installed would not interfere with people being able to edit it with TSBTool.

3 Versions Posted:

Vanilla – minimal hacks added:

  • More NFL-like QB Ratings
  • Player 2 Condition Fix
  • Prevent Schedule From Being Random
  • Randomize Sound Loop Used For Each Play
  • QB Backpedal Animation Hack
  • Change Touchback to 25-Yard Line
  • 15 Yard XP

Hardtype – Hacks included:

  • Find open receiver
  • PA/PC hack – PC is INT and PA is target
  • QB throws ball instead of taking sack and runs less
  • COM Dive Tackling like SNES TSB I
  • Better COM punt timing
  • Changing KR Speed
  • Directional punts
  • FG avoid kick block fix
  • Increase CPU kickoff length
  • Kickoff Wedge Return
  • Onside kick hack better recovery rate for P2
  • PR speed change from SS to actual PR player
  • Add stats after quarters
  • Changing the differential for popcorning/ dl busting through
  • Passing game probability table hack
  • QB backpedal animation hack
  • Better INT Returns
  • Timing of Snap Exchange Between C & QB
  • Diving time based on HP
  • Main Menu Background Color Change XX’s
  • Schedule Background Color Change XX
  • Playoff Bracket Fixed
  • Buck’s TSB COM Juice Setter
  • Push/Pull Hack

Hardtype – with P2 As Road Team 

Hardtype version with the Road Team Plays As Player 2 modification added


Base RomUpdated 32-team ROM

Editors UsedTSBTool Playbook Editor Beta03Lunar IPSTranslhextionTSB Play Editoryy-chrTecmo Endzone Editor

IPS Patches added to release:

Modifications added to release:

Download “TSB2017-v2.2-Vanilla-1.nes”

TSB2017-v2.2-Vanilla-1.nes – Downloaded 535 times – 512.02 KB

Download “TSB2017-v2.2-Hardtype-2.nes”

TSB2017-v2.2-Hardtype-2.nes – Downloaded 464 times – 512.02 KB

Download “TSB2017-v2.2-Hardtype-with-P2-Hack-1.nes”

TSB2017-v2.2-Hardtype-with-P2-Hack-1.nes – Downloaded 364 times – 512.02 KB

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