Rom Editing

Conditions Always in Average

SET Command: #Always AVG condition # #Note-Do not apply first set code if you want players to get injured in SKP mode SET(0x21E25,0xEAEAEA) SET(0x220FE,0xEAEAEA) SET(0x2211A,0xEAEAEA) SET(0x22132,0xEAEAEA) (Click Here for a Visual Guide on how to apply set commands) Original Thread from Conditions Always In Average

Rom Editing

No Overtime In SKP Mode

SET Command: #No Overtime in SKP Mode # SET(0x17F34, 0xEAEA) (Click Here for a Visual Guide on how to apply set commands) Original Thread from No Overtime In SKP Mode 1

Rom Editing

Changing The Differential For Popcorning/DL Busting Through

SET Command: #Changing the differential for popcorning/ dl busting through # #Visit link to see author’s notes on variables to edit to modify code below SET(0x28360,0xA53D293F1871AE38F13E300BC90E9007C93490064C0F844C84842036B1EAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEA) (Click Here for a Visual Guide on how to apply set commands) Original Thread from Changing The Differential For Popcorning Dl Busting Through [ Read More ]

Rom Editing

Run Block/Pass Block Hack

SET Command: #COM vs COM Run Block/Pass Block Hack # SET(0x00006,0x42) SET(0x014E5,0x20) SET(0x014E6,0x64) SET(0x014E7,0x65) SET(0x01DE1,0x20) SET(0x01DE2,0x6C) SET(0x01DE3,0x65) SET(0x01FF5,0x20) SET(0x01FF6,0x64) SET(0x01FF7,0x65) SET(0x01FF8,0x6C) SET(0x0212E,0x20) SET(0x0212F,0x64) SET(0x02130,0x65) SET(0x02131,0x6C) SET(0x0223C,0x20) SET(0x0223D,0x76) SET(0x0223E,0x61) SET(0x0223F,0x6E) SET(0x03043,0x5B) SET(0x03046,0x5B) SET(0x03049,0x3B) SET(0x0304C,0x3B) SET(0x0304F,0x2B) SET(0x03052,0x3B) SET(0x03056,0x3B) SET(0x0305A,0x3B) SET(0x0305E,0x3B) SET(0x03062,0x3B) SET(0x03066,0x3B) SET(0x0306A,0x3B) SET(0x030B7,0xAB) SET(0x030B8,0x33) SET(0x030BA,0xAB) SET(0x030BB,0x33) SET(0x030BD,0xAB) SET(0x030BE,0x53) SET(0x030C0,0xAB) SET(0x030C1,0x23) SET(0x030C3,0xAB) [ Read More ]

Rom Editing

SIM Target Distribution Hack

SET Command: #SIM Target Distribution Hack # SET(0x175a9,0xA53DDD80BA9013E888D0F7) SET(0x19B90,0x19327FCCFF19327FCCFF) (Click Here for a Visual Guide on how to apply set commands) Original Thread from SIM Target Distribution Hack

Rom Editing

Turn Off Injuries in SKP Mode

SET Command: #Turn Off Injuries in SKP Mode # SET (0x17AD6, 0xEAEAEA) SET (0x17CB0, 0xEAEAEA) SET (0x17DCD, 0xEAEAEA) (Click Here for a Visual Guide on how to apply set commands) Files from Forum Discussion: 6502 opcodes Original Thread from Turn Off Injuries In SKP Mode  

Rom Editing

Editing Overtime

SET Command: #No Overtime in Season/Pre-Season Games # SET(0x2214A, 0xD008A52D2903C903F005A94E4CFA9DA91B20FA9DA900A0FCE67620DBADA52D2903C903F0102036A2A94F4CFA9D0000000000000000) (Click Here for a Visual Guide on how to apply set commands) Files in Forum Discussion: TSB_no_reg_season_overtime Original Thread from Editing Overtime  

Rom Editing

Buck’s COM Juice Setter Spreadsheet

SET Command: #Buck’s TSB COM Juice Setter – juice to start at week 8 juice and climb to max # SET(0x1DF10,0x0304050803)         SET(0x1DF15,0x0304050803)         SET(0x1DF1A,0x0304050803)         SET(0x1DF1F,0x0304050803)         SET(0x1DF24,0x0304050803)         SET(0x1DF29,0x0304050803)         SET(0x1DF2E,0x0304050803)         SET(0x1DF33,0x0304050803)         SET(0x1DF38,0x0304050803)         SET(0x1DF3D,0x0405050803)         [ Read More ]

Rom Editing

NES, SNES TSB I, II, & III, GEN TSB I – xplozv’s Hack List II

SET Commands: #Better tackling without COM diving # SET(0x28DD6,0xA299EAEAEA90E1A90120CBDA4CAE8DA90120CBDA4CAE8D) SET(0x28E9C,0xA299EAEAEA90ADA90120CBDA4C408EA90120CBDA4C408E) #Control Percentage of Defensive Jumping # SET(0x29BD8,0xA53BC940B00AEAEA) #Faster Handoffs, Pitches, Snaps & Player Control # SET(0x2A95D,0x01) QB Handoff/Fake Handoff Animation Speed SET(0x2A981,0x01) Player Recieving Handoff or Fake Handoff Animation Speed SET(0x2A98D,0x01) Player Has Immediate Control Upon Handoff SET(0x2A9D8,0x01) QB Pitch [ Read More ]

Rom Editing

Applying Sim Data

SET Command: #Change offensive SIM to ‘out of 32′ sum # SET(0x18117,0x00081018202830384048505860687078) #TE sim fix # SET(0x175CB, 0x05) (Click Here for a Visual Guide on how to apply set commands) Files from Discussion Thread: Book1 TSB 2009 StalkingButler’s Version (TE stat problem) TSB defensive sim calcs TSBSimulations_Eagles TSBSimulations_New (1) TSBSimulations_New [ Read More ]